在这部新妈妈再爱我一次剧情/爱情/家庭片中,妻子小霖(景甜 饰)去世后,米一帆(陆毅 饰)就和五岁的儿子小乐(迷你彬 饰)相依为命。小霖去世前留下“下一年的雨季会回到人世”的诺言,父子俩将信将疑。没想到第二年雨季小霖真的出现,只是记忆全无,破碎的家庭再次团圆,虽然存有疑虑,但米一帆和小乐还是将他们的爱毫无保留地给了小霖,渐渐小霖也真正融入这个家庭,接受了妻子和母亲的角色,幸福的家庭看似美好,但人死真的可以复生吗?眼前这个失忆的小霖真的是他们的亲人吗?
It has been a year since XiaoLin's death. She has left behind her husband, YiFan and their 5 year old son XiaoBin. Like the picture book the mother left behind, day-by-day XiaoBin waits for the rainy season to come, if as a miracle will happen. Suddenly, one day in a deserted forest a phenomenal event happens. Right before the YiFan's and XiaoBin's eyes XiaoLin mysteriously appears, however she has no memory of her life and no sense of identity. Thus, to get back XiaoLin's memory YiFan talks about their past and rekindles what they had. As the rainy season comes to an end XiaoLin leaves her husband and son again. It's only after XiaoLin leaves the untold mysteries and events are explained and understood.
我是准备了三袋纸巾去看的。《新妈妈再爱我一次》 OR 《老婆 再爱我一次》 ??。莲花岛的传故事——采莲女的悲欢离合。连单纯的太太都觉得无聊的片子。为这部电影正名,为演员及导演抱不平。极失败的翻拍……。新妈妈的噱头,赚不到眼泪。纯爱就是矫情。这是用生命去爱嘛!!!。影评。