Curious little penguin Pororo and his friends accidentally cause an airplane to make an emergency landing in their home of Pororo Village. On the airplane are some turtles being shipped to Northpia to deliver ice sleds, or racing ice cars. Nevertheless, Pororo and his friends believe that the turtles are racers, and the turtles end up giving the gang at Pororo Village some lessons and passing on the championship spirit. In the end, Pororo and his friends follow the turtles to Northpia to participate in the race. Upon arriving at icily beautiful Northpia's race, Pororo and his friends wind up unlikely front-runners, ahead of the polar bears, and make it to the finals. However, a more complicated course awaits Pororo and his friends- as does their strongest adversary yet.
《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》:这其实是个穿越片。激情浅,欢情薄。还好小孩子不重口味。《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》有激情 够欢乐。明丽的速度与激情之旅——评《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》。这个冒险很感性。《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》:童真,童趣,寒假的礼物。萌宠版速度与激情,让孩子们学会爱。中韩合力合家欢。中韩合作高投资首部3D动画:《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》。《波鲁鲁冰雪大冒险》:童话世界神奇赛车之旅。