在这部比利时的百合花剧情/动画/短片片中,天真可爱的小女孩(Irene Starewicz 饰)在丛林中采蘑菇,偶然发现一株白色的百合花。她将百合带回家中,请求博学的爷爷(Jan Wichniekski 饰)为她讲述关于比利时百合花的故事。慈祥的爷爷抱起心爱的孙女,开始讲述:很久很久以前,百合花在一条小溪旁尽情开放,周围草虫飞舞,鸟语花香,一派祥和景象。
导演Wladyslaw Starewicz,被称为停格动画的先锋。
When a young girl finds a beautiful dead lily in the woods, she asks her grandfather to tell her about it. He tells her an allegory about the Lily of Belgium: The lily stands in splendor beside a stream, admired by the creatures of the woods. But an army of beetles, bent on conquering new territories, wants to cross the stream - and the lily is blocking their way.