在这部半梦半醒的人生剧情/动画/悬疑/奇幻片中,青年学生维利•维金斯(Wiley Wiggins 饰)童年时曾从小伙伴那里得到这样一个预言:“梦即命运”。长大后,他在恍恍惚惚间来到了一座陌生的城市。维利走街串巷,经历各种各样的神奇体验,仿佛穿梭于不同的梦中。在此期间,他还遇到了各色人等:从开着船形汽车的司机到大学教授,从性感的金发美女到癫狂的眼睛男,从引火自焚的金发男子再到留着雷鬼头的四人团体……每个人都喋喋不休,谈论着人生、理想和哲学。而维利不发一言,俨然一个极具耐心的聆听者。
本片由导演兼编剧理查德•林克莱特(Richard Linklater)采用DV真人拍摄,并用软件将其“动画化”。导演史蒂文•索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)亦在片中出现。
Dreams. What are they? An escape from reality or reality itself? Waking Life follows the dream(s) of one man and his attempt to find and discern the absolute difference between waking life and the dreamworld. While trying to figure out a way to wake up, he runs into many people on his way; some of which offer one sentence asides on life, others delving deeply into existential questions and life's mysteries. We become the main character. It becomes our dream and our questions being asked and answered. Can we control our dreams? What are they telling us about life? About death? About ourselves and where we come from and where we are going? The film does not answer all these for us. Instead, it inspires us to ask the questions and find the answers ourselves.
Life is not a dream, be aware, be aware, and be aware.。转我朋友写的“《半梦半醒的人生》的29段谈话与自白”。仿佛穿梭在梦中。对有些人来说也是梦魇。值得的。喜欢的。。以短浅的眼光谈谈这部不能称其为电影的电影的创作(非介绍向)。随机生活。感受-自指的梦-电影。半梦半醒。内时间意识中的情节。