在这部动物也疯狂动画/冒险片中,故事发生在孟买圣雄甘地国家公园之中,一群动物在森林里快乐的生活着,直到有一天,人类的伐木机驶向了这片动物们赖以生存的家园。小豹尤为(塔拉·斯特朗 Tara Strong配音)的父亲死于猎人的枪下,悲痛之中,尤为召集了森林里的动物们,为它们的未来出谋划策。
小猴巴酱(范妮莎·L·威廉姆斯 Vanessa Williams 配音)提议正式和人类开战,大熊巴嘎(布拉德·加内特 Brad Garrett配音)不同意巴酱的看法,它希望能够找到一条和平解决问题的道路。商讨之下,一干动物决定去德里国家会议抗议示威,之后却发现它们没有人会说人类的语言,除了淡泊名利只想安静生活的鹦鹉艾利克斯(汤姆·肯尼 Tom Kenny 配音)。
Delhi Safari is the story of a journey undertaken by a cub leopard, his mother, a monkey, a bear and a parrot when the forest they live in is on the verge of destruction. A man is on the run to destroy the forest in order to erect a balcony. These five animals plan to go to Delhi and ask the parliament some very simple yet pertinent questions - why has man become the most dangerous animal? Doesn't man understand that if the forests and the animals don't exist, man will cease to exist?