在这部脊柱动画/短片片中,影片开始,一群长相奇怪的人就这样触目惊心地呈现在观众眼前。他们有的脑袋爆开,里面全是稻草;有的皮肤剥落,身躯短小;有的身子如同一张大手,脑袋长在中指上;有的从额头中央被劈成两半,依靠粗线缝在一起;有的面孔仿佛拼图一般,充满缝隙。令人不安的斗室内,这群怪人坐在四面靠墙的沙发上开着恳谈会。他们喋喋不休,诉说着自己的心头之苦。人人都想倾诉,人人都不关心别人的事情。丹(Gordon Pinsent 配音)和他那肥胖如球的妻子玛丽(Alberta Watson 配音)根本无法交流,生活绝望。直到某一天,玛丽跌倒在地,如皮球一般漏气。突然回归一个人生活的丹,在绝望之余仿佛迎来了新生。
A group therapy session for couples begins. The therapist asks Dan, a small, shrunken man, to comment. Dan is interrupted by Mary, his huge wife, who complains about Dan and scolds him. Her harangue follows them home. He reaches over to touch her hand; he calls her his songbird. She melts - or at least the air leaves her. Six months later, Dan returns to the group alone; he's looking well. Lights shine from him. He extends a kindness to Angela. What is Dan's story?