在这部巴别塔之书动画/短片/家庭片中,在一个狂风骤起的日子,一对未成年的小兄妹(並木嵩晃 牧野由依 配音)向汽车站拼命跑去,可是他们太小了,又或许是实在来不及了,公车绝尘而去,兄妹俩只得望洋兴叹。当他们坐在长椅上休息时,发现有人忘了一本书在上面。哥哥翻开书页,里面竟放出耀眼的光芒,紧接着一尊巴别塔慢慢浮现出来。透过塔顶,哥哥看见正中央有一位表情肃穆的老者正读着一本奇怪的书,随着老者的手势,书页内变幻出各种各样神奇美丽的图案。出于好奇,他将书从塔中取了出来,却不曾想他将和妹妹经历一场惊险刺激的大冒险……
The imaginative possibilities of animation and reading are intertwined in this spirited Koji Yamamura short. Two kids find a dusty book on a park bench and soon become immersed in a "Robinson Crusoe"-like adventure. They're in for a jolt, however, when their desert island starts swimming. Yamamura's painted frames swell with movement and color as the boys zoom through the literary imagination.