在这部动画果酱动画/短片片中,1984年,来自加利福尼亚、效力于加拿大国家电影局的动画家迈弗•纽兰德(Marv Newland 饰)执导了一部堪称动画史上一大杰作的作品——《动画果酱》。纽兰德邀请了来自世界各地的22位动画家共同参与制作,其中包括Franky Terry、Sally Cruikshank、Gordon Stanfteld等人。他们每人制作一个片断,彼此却不知道其他人负责的部分、内容和风格。唯一贯穿始终的就是短片的主人公——纽兰德亲手设计的福斯卡(Foska)。
The bizarre adventures of the cartoon character Foska, drawn by 22 animators working in collaboration. Each animator worked on his or her own sequence only, and did not know what action preceded or followed his or her sequence, except that the first drawing of a sequence is the last drawing from the previous sequence.