高中少女大桥可奈(大岛优子 饰)的好友绫花夜归遭遇“嗒卡嗒卡”,遇害身亡。克奈在祭拜好友时,同样见到这个恐怖恶灵,不过侥幸逃脱。然而死亡的阴影仍然笼罩在她的头上,在女大学生平山理绘(山崎真实 饰)的帮助下,她们一同出发寻找求生的办法……
A young girl learns of the urban legend of Teketeke after her friend is killed in a gruesome way. The legend tells of a female ghost that has no legs. When she visits the spot where her friend died she comes into contact with Teketeke but manages to escape. The legend says she'll die in 3 days and now has to dig deeper to find the secrets behind the legend that can save her.