在这部骗子恐怖片中,美国某个小镇,极不平凡的一天。威力强大的龙卷风即将席卷此地,在人们唯恐避之不及的时刻,曾经连续四个月沉湎酒精的母亲珍妮特(Erin McGrane 饰)带着珍妮弗(Meg Saricks 饰)、爱丽丝(Emily Boresow 饰)和萨莉这三个女儿驱车外出,去接过去这些年一直在海外战场服役的丈夫。谁知车行到半路,龙卷风竟突然出现在身后。危急时刻,珍妮特将车停在路边,带着女儿狂奔逃向附近的一户住宅。她们拼命叫门无人回应,只得自顾自砸开地下室的锁躲了进去。
This movie is about a mother (Alice Maguire) and her three daughters who are trying to get to the airport to pick up Mr Maguire, the daughter's father. But on the way there is a tornado warning and the trip starts to get too dangerous so they stop on the highway and run to a house to take shelter. Nobody answers the door so they all get in to the cellar to wait out the storm. But then they discover that there is somebody in the house above them, and then they become trapped in the cellar. But there's more to worry about than the impending storm, and their lives become endangered, by something that's not normal.
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
Nailbiter.2012.DVDRiP.AC3-5.1.XviD.avi.Chs.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 |