1986[隔壁的女孩]Deadly Friend[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2024-08-20 / 发布时间:2016-06-13


【主演】: 马修·拉博托/克里斯蒂·斯旺森/迈克尔·沙拉特
【标签】: 科幻/悬疑/恐怖
【上映时间】: 1986-10-10
【片长】: 91
【原名】:Deadly Friend
【评分】:豆瓣:6.5 ,IMDB:5.5
【IMDb链接】: tt0090917
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部隔壁的女孩科幻/悬疑/恐怖片中,Paul Conway自己设计制造了一架会思考的机器人,起名“哔哔”(BB)。哔哔善解人意讨人喜欢。万圣节晚上,Paul、Tom、Samantha及哔哔想利用遇节无禁忌的机会,闯入老处女Elvira Parker小姐的前院,没想到她不通情理朝哔哔开枪,打得粉碎,只剩下电脑晶片无损。不久感恩节来临,Paul邀Samantha共进晚餐,Samantha因此被继父打落楼梯,脑部严重撞伤送医诊断,因脑死而回天乏术。Paul得Tom相助,于Samantha脑中植入哔哔电脑微晶片,Samantha因而复活,然而完全为哔哔之思考模式,哔哔怨恨Samantha的继父和Elvira Parker小姐,展开复仇……

Paul Conway and his mother Jeannie Conway travel to a new town where Paul will join the local university invited by Dr. Johanson. They bring the robot BB that was developed by Paul, who is a genius in robotic. Paul befriends the paperboy Tom Toomey and has a crush on his next door neighbor Samantha Pringle, whose abusive alcoholic father Harry Pringle frequently hurts her. One day, Paul, Sam, Tom and BB are playing basketball and the ball fall in the field of their paranoid grumpy neighbor Elvira Parker that does not give it back to the teenagers. In Halloween, Tom convinces Paul to let BB open the padlock of the entrance to her house. However, there is an alarm system and Elvira blows up BB with her shotgun. Then Harry pushes her daughter down the stairs and the doctors let her brain-dead connected to the life support. However Paul convinces Tom to go to the hospital to rescue Sam and then he implants BB's chip into her brain resurrecting Samantha. But will she come back to life normal?


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