危急存亡之际,希腊需尽速将国库黄金送到英国保管,以策安全。杜博上校与安船长奉命将黄金藏於药物箱中,驾医疗船突破封锁与英驱逐舰接头。随行的美貌战地记者哥哥顿,与英勇的军官亚历恋爱,历尽波折。偷跑上船的费安东,放任不羁,身份扑朔迷离。 众人为避德军耳目,在亚历父亲的带领下,从陆路运金往会合地点。然而,他们的行走路线屡被德军获悉,令艰险的旅途更是困难重重,他们能否成功完成重任?
In May 1941, after the fall of the mainland of Greece just before the Germans entered Athens, a bold cadet, Nikiforos Kallergis leaves with his classmates from the cadet school. They transported in a hospital ship with the gold from Bank of Greece. First stop the homeland of Crete, where Germans have already begun their attack. Either way, every secret, Greeks and British soldiers will try to transfer the gold to a Greek destroyer South of Crete. The battle of Crete has begun.