在这部脑男悬疑/犯罪片中,接二连三的爆炸案让生活在东京的人们陷入恐慌之中,行事莽撞的资深刑警茶屋(江口洋介 饰)带领下属追查真凶,结果在某个偏远所在遭遇爆炸事件,随后于现场发现了自称铃木一郎(生田斗真 饰)的神秘男子。铃木举止冷静异常,茶屋随后拜托有过一面之缘的精神科医师鹫谷真梨子(松雪泰子 饰)对铃木精神状况进行判断。通过极其严格缜密的鉴定,真梨子发现铃木其人全无痛感,各项指标罕见般地平均,行住坐卧极为规律,有如一台精密的仪器。她和茶屋尝试调查铃木的身世,解开陈列在眼前的谜题。与此同时,绿川(二阶堂富美 饰)和由利亚(太田莉菜 饰)两个疯狂女子监视着铃木、茶屋和真梨子等人的行踪,将事件推向难以控制的地步……
A series of bombings occur and police track a lead, where they find the male protagonist Ichiro Suzuki and believe he is somehow involved. After psychiatric evaluation and rigorous questioning, the man is found to be emotionally vacant, highly intelligent with a savant-like photographic memory, physically strong and unable to feel any pain. The female lead who plays psychiatrist Mariko Mashiya is intrigued and attempts to discover what and how he came to this state, fueled by her own past personal tragedy and determination to seek the truth. Is he the psychopath they are all looking for?
自以为是的「善」比无可救药的「恶」更可怕。It's always easier to believe what you want to believe。火车道德观。充满讽刺意味的结局。我純潔的一刻勝過你一生的謊言。。生而为人。中二病也要拍电影。。全部都被導演騙了——世界上有些人的靈魂是怎麼也無法救贖的。迷失罪與罰。你我皆凡人。