在这部奥罗拉公主剧情/悬疑/犯罪片中,一个可怜的小女孩在厕所里遭到后母虐打,这位后母随后被谋杀了。随后不断发生了连环神秘谋杀事件。凶手被锁定是一名女性,凶手留下的唯一线索是一幅奥罗拉公主贴画。吴警察(文成根 饰)越深入调查案件,便越觉得凶手是他的前妻郑顺贞(严正花 饰)。
A woman gets killed in a department store. No one imagines this could lead to serial murders, but two days after the first murder, another homicide occurs. A woman is suffocated to death and the only evidence left at the crime scene is a sticker of the cartoon character "Princess Aurora". A veteran detective OH suspects an attractive and lively woman named JUNG Soon-jung as the murderer. However, he does not tell anyone -not even his partner- that Jung also happens to be his ex-wife. Again and again, the Princess Aurora sticker is found... each with a dead body.