在这部安娜贝拉的蝴蝶舞纪录片/短片片中,美国无声短片《安娜贝拉的蝴蝶舞》(英语:Annabelle Butterfly Dance),由威廉·迪克森(William K.L. Dickson)于1894年拍摄,由爱迪生制造公司(Edison Manufacturing Company)出品。 舞者是安娜贝拉·摩尔(Annabelle Moore)。
A stationary camera records a smiling Annabelle dancing on a simple stage, a low barrier visible to her right. Her outstretched hands hold the edges of her wide skirt, which she moves in figures as she kicks and turns. On her back are wings, on her head a tiara of butterfly wings. The pattern on the front of her dress also suggests a butterfly.