在这部间谍的孩子纪录片片中,Oded(奥德埃德)刚满12岁时,他的父亲告诉他自己是Mossad(摩萨德)的特务,并让Oded(奥德埃德)发誓不要泄漏这个秘密,否则将有生命之虞。当他的父亲假扮成一名前纳粹百万富翁和马匹饲养者Wolfgang Lotz(沃尔夫冈•洛兹)到开罗执行任务时,他和母亲只有留在巴黎焦急地等待父亲的归来。现在,Oded(奥德埃德)打破沉默揭露他父亲真实的被隐瞒的身份,透露他的家庭为此付出的沉重代价以及笼罩在间谍阴影下的生活。
Oded is just 12 years old when his father reveals to him he's a Mossad secret agent and makes the boy swear to secrecy because his life depends on it. While he leaves on his mission to Cairo as Wolfgang Lotz - ex Nazi millionaire and horse breeder - Oded and his mother remain alone in Paris, waiting anxiously for his return. Now Oded breaks a long silence and journeys into his father's real and covert identities, revealing the heavy price paid by his family, trapped in the shadows of espionage.