在这部回到凤凰桥纪录片片中,制作人的话: 我用三年的时间拍摄了四个到北京打工的姑娘。对于这些来自乡村的女孩子,我做为一个城里人,有许多想当然的理解。几乎所有这些理解都在真实面前变得哑口无言。《回到凤凰桥》实际上是在纪录一个“哑口无言”的过程。我第一次见到她们是在她们住的小屋里,小屋不到六平方米,住四个人。然而,住在破烂小屋里的这段时间却是她们一生中最自由的时候。过去在家乡,她们是女儿,属于父母; 将来回到凤凰桥,她们是妻子,属于丈夫。只有在北京,她们才可能有一丝企图改变命运的“非份之想”。
This groundbreaking work from Li Hong, China's first independent female documentarian, follows two years in the lives of four young women from the countryside who have come to Beijing for jobs. Although they work long hours as maids or street vendors and share a tiny room no bigger than a closet, they savor these years-- between living as a daughter at home and returning to the village to marry --as probably the freest time of their lives.