在这部赤道雨纪录片片中,從母親寄來的一封信,導演獲悉了其親戚的過往及其故鄉婆羅洲所發生過的一場革命。影片揭示了被遺忘的北婆羅洲獨立運動史-前遊擊隊員在鏡頭面前講述他們如何獻身於革命,如何至死不渝的信仰共產主義。當鬥爭從最高潮到突如其來的崩解,當生活日趨平淡,他們的青春卻經由未曾曝光的毛片,意外的展示于世人面前:軍中生活的點點滴滴,森林裡集體生存的意志,所有發光的回憶… 結合歷史舞臺劇的鋪陳,也藉此探討了赤道下華人的生存語境。
The director learns about his relatives' past in a letter from his mother. Former guerrilla fighters who fought for revolution in Malaysia speak in front of the camera. Calling forth images of their training and the stage of a history of colonialism, the director investigates the identity of ethnic Chinese in Borneo Island.