在这部失婚记纪录片片中,本片是台灣第一部以新移民觀點討論異國婚姻的紀錄片。影片從新移民女性的親身經驗出發,記錄四位異國姐妹在台灣所經歷的破碎婚姻,她們懷抱著追求幸福的夢 想來到台灣,但最後都走上自願或非自願失婚的道路。然而,失婚之後,她們該如何選擇人生的下一步?還有,她們所孕育的台灣之子/女,在父母的跨國婚姻決裂 之後,又將面臨什麽樣的生活及教育問題?
Like many other immigrant women, the four characters in this documentary came to Taiwan in pursuit of happiness, only to find themselves disappointed and hopeless in their broken marriages. What are going to be their next steps? How do their children, who are born in underprivileged cross-cultural households, cope with their parents' divorces?