在这部自杀连锁反应纪录片片中,2000年,19岁的凯文·海因斯(Kevin Hines)试图通过跳金门大桥结束自己的生命,然而侥幸生还。今天,凯文是享誉全球的精神健康倡导者,励志演讲者,作家。这部电影记录了凯文的个人旅程,以及他尝试自杀的举动所带来的连锁反应。尽管他仍然在和双向情感障碍和抑郁症作斗争,但是他利用自己的故事帮助他人,更好地了解自杀企图对于家人、朋友和帮助过他的人的影响。
Suicide The Ripple Effect takes you on a journey with Kevin Hines who survived jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge in an attempt to take his life. Since then Kevin has been on a mission to use his story to help others find hope and stay alive. The film features some of the world's leading suicide prevention experts and shines light on people who are using personal experiences with suicide to help others find the hope they need to stay alive.