在这部天才数学家拉马奴金纪录片片中,本纪录片通过采访世界各地的几位著名数学家(Ken Ono,A. Raghuram等等),着重讲述了印度已故著名数学家、数论专家斯里尼瓦瑟·拉马努金(Srinivasa Ramanujan)及其有深远意义的数学研究工作。2012年印度称之为“数学年”一次来纪念这位数学家的125岁诞辰。
"The Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan" features well-known number theorists from around the world associated with Ramanujan's oeuvre, most notably A. Raghuram and Ken Ono. Shot at various locations in Chennai, Namakkal, Kumbakonam, Erode, and Cambridge, this documentary highlights the trajectory of Ramanujan's seminal work and its relevance today. His scientific legacy continues to grow well beyond anything that previous generations of mathematicians could have ever imagined. 2012 was declared the the "National Year of Mathematics" in India to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of the great mathematician Ramanujan.