在这部一個人在德黑蘭纪录片/短片片中,貝娜絲.佳法莉(Behnaz Jafari)是一位24歲的女演員。自幼喪父的她,在母親過世後獨自生活,靠電視劇的演出維生。有的時候演出有錢,有的時候電視台說經費不足;也有時候,身為一個演員,卻得不到想要的角色,獨自面對挫折。「她們說,女孩子就應該像個女孩子,溫馴可人。」佳法莉對著鏡頭說,她發現同齡的朋友還在唸書、跟父母親拿零用錢,有的人已經結婚生子。一個女孩子應該什麼樣子?「妳可以出國。妳應該結婚,別浪費時間。妳什麼時候長大?」有著成打的意見要她想清楚。本片記述一個24歲女子在德黑蘭的生活,並對比女性長輩的意見與同齡朋友的想法,透露現代伊朗女性在追求人生時所面對的酸甜苦辣。
Behnaz Jafari is a young, aspiring actress in Tehran who wants to live a carefree and creative lifestyle. This lifestyle is not easy to obtain for a modern 24 year-old woman who lives alone in contemporary Iranian society. In this interesting documentary, the old is contrasted with the new as Behnaz considers the traditional advice she receives from well-meaning friends while still following her dream to lead a free life and become one of Iran's leading actresses.