在这部屠宰场:肉类产业的隐秘真相纪录片/短片片中,导演Aitor Garmendia历时两年,跨越墨西哥10个州,卧底58家屠宰场,用镜头记录下了他在屠宰场内外的所见所闻,于是便有了今天这部纪录片——《屠宰场:肉类产业的隐秘真相》。
全片近40分钟,没有解说,没有配乐,只是用客观 冷静的镜头,带你亲临地球上最隐蔽最痛苦的深渊。
Aitor Garmendia :“我花费6个月时间潜入这些屠宰场中,作为卧底调查员,我无法对眼前的骇人内幕做任何反应。我所做的是把这些恐惧和痛苦记录下来,把这些动物的故事公诸于众...
From 2015 to 2017, an investigation has been carried out in 58 slaughterhouses across Mexico. Now, this documentary takes us into the hermetic world of the meat industry, where all the cruel secrets that have been kept from the public are uncovered: Animals in slaughterhouses around the world suffer from systematic exploitation and violence.