在这部走出古埃及纪录片片中,秘密社团、献祭仪式、残忍教令、恐怖丧葬- 古代文明社会间到底有何联系?它们如何看待人类的本能?活力四射、充满魅力的卡拉 库尼博士将在Discovery探索频道上开设一档全新课程「走出古埃及」。这位加州大学洛杉矶分校的埃及艺术与建筑学教授,将放弃舒适的讲堂,游历全球各地的墓地和寺庙,透过崭新的视角,发掘和探索历史上引人入胜的不解之谜。
Today's city dwellers may think of urban living as an improvement over the existence of our hunting and gathering ancestors. But Egyptologist Dr. Kara Cooney explains that our modern tendency to live in cities isn't the result of an inevitable march towards progress. Beginning roughly 12,000 years ago, a sudden change in human behavior determined the very nature of modern civilization. And archaeological evidence from some of the world's first cities - like Jericho in the West Bank of Palestine, Catal Huyuk in Turkey, and even early prehistoric settlements in Egypt - suggests that living in cities may bring just as many problems as it solves.