在这部垃圾围城纪录片片中,在一年半的时间里,王久良通过对北京周边几百座垃圾场的走访与调查,最后用朴素与真实的影像向我们呈现了垃圾包围北京的严重态势。这些令人震惊的影像,让我们得以具体知晓垃圾对我们的生存环境,以及日常生活所造成的伤害与威胁。在本次展览中,王久良《垃圾围城》的全部摄影作品,以及同名纪录电影将全面展示。一些新公示的影像中所揭示的新的深刻问题,期待能持续地引起社会公众的正视。那就是——垃圾之前的资本主义商业消费生产以及因之所带来的我们的生活观问题。 事实上,通过前段时间媒体对部分作品的传播,已经引起政府相关部门对垃圾处理的系列政策的密集出台,并亦卓见成效。作为摄影参与社会变革的成功范本,《垃圾围城》显示了作为艺术之外的现实意义。在展览开幕期间,我们将就摄影在当今社会变革中的作用同诸多学者展开积极地探讨。
While China's rise, and its immense challenges, commands world attention, less light has been shed upon the colossal problem of waste generated by a burgeoning population, expanding industry, and rapacious urban growth. Photographer Wang Jiuliang turns his lens upon the grim spectacle of garbage, excrement, refuse, and wreckage heaped upon the landscape that surrounds China's mega-metropolis, Beijing. Eking out a hazardous living within are the scavengers, mostly rural migrants, who struggle to maintain familial and cultural structures amid the bleakest of occupations. Wang shows the desecration of once-vital farmlands and rivers in the shadow of China's gleaming cities and planes and super-trains; the unholy cycle of construction's consumption and waste, and poignant images of the daily lives of scavengers who toil at their own peril.