在这部被偷走的孩子纪录片片中,70 年代印尼入侵东帝汶,带走大量当地儿童从军充当搬运工,造成东帝汶失落的一代。当时 9 岁的荷西,为躲避炸弹而与家人失散,随后被印尼军队带到了印尼。35 年后,已改名为阿布都的荷西成为了穆斯林,与来自爪哇的妻子及三名女儿落脚加里曼丹。对远在东帝汶的家人来说,荷西已死去并按照传统仪式安葬。然而在各方努力下,荷西与失散的家人得以再聚,并回到东帝汶进行「复生」仪式。然而荷西的归来,不仅得面对新旧身份认同与记忆的冲突,还有历史冲击下对未来选择的两难……
During Timor's brutal occupation by Indonesia thousands of children were stolen, as were many of the country's resources. This is 'Jose' Abdul Rahman's story. In 1978 Jose, eight at the time, was hiding on Mount Matebian when a plane dropped a bomb, killing 22 of his family. He survived, fled the mountain and started following an Indonesian Battalion. The soldiers forced Jose, and many other boys, to work as porters. In 1979 the soldiers took the children by ship to Indonesia.