在这部蓝色星球上的难民纪录片片中,每年,全球有數以百萬計的人口被迫從自己的家園遷徙。「藍色星球上的難民The Refugees Of The Blue Planet」闡述了一個目前大家尚未正視的課題:環境難民。無論從馬爾地夫、巴西,甚至在已開發國家,如加拿大,環境問題已嚴重地影響到當地居民的生活環境,他們被剝奪居住在乾淨和永續環境的權利,沒有合法的地位,且他們的問題被政府漠視,他們的聲音被淹沒在政客與企業的利益交換中。看完本片,不僅使人同情這些環境難民,也讓人開始擔心,自己是否會成為下一個!
For around ten years, natural disasters have been occurring more frequently, causing widespread destruction; yet industrialized countries still refuse to implement or persist in doubting the actions they must take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and fail to revise their policies for economic growth. Decisions taken high up directly affect the way of life of thousands of people, in Canada and elsewhere. In 2003, the United Nations indicated that for the first time in history, environmental refugees (25 million) outnumbered those fleeing from war or political persecution (23 million). And their numbers keep on increasing.