在这部在戴明的生活纪录片片中,戴明(Demmin),是德国梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州的一座小城市。1945年德国战败,在这座小城市有上千人自尽。标题一语双关,über Leben意为“关于生活”,überleben意为“生存”。面对亲人的不告而别,戴明人如何继续“生存”与“生活”……
Germany, May 8 - Day of Liberation from fascism. Wrapped in a ghostly silenc, a small town in northern Germany awakes. The people in Demmin are anxiously waiting while 700 police officers take position and neo-nazis get in formation. Demmin is not celebrating the anniversary of Germany's liberation today...