在这部血汗杜兰朵纪录片/音乐片中,九百套戏服、二千工人四个月内赶工缝制、三百个军人作临时演员、世界三大歌剧界天王天后引吭高歌,要是这些都未能吸引你,不如再加上:这是历史上首个获准在紫禁城实地上演的歌剧,指挥是当世最杰出指挥家 Mehta,导演是张艺谋,戏码:普契尼的杜兰朵。导演阿伦.米勒继续他记录音乐旅程的探索,由歌剧在佛罗伦斯的筹备到北京时遇到的种种困难:戏服要重制、张艺谋与灯光指导闹意见、紫禁城的规定,诸如此类。一个中国公主的故事,流芳西方歌剧历史,终于「衣锦还乡」回到中国上演,在堂皇的歌声俪影背后,是一段段血汗传奇。
In May of 1997, Zubin Mehta conducts and Zhang Yimou directs Puccini's \"Turnadot\" in Florence. A year later, they stage nine performances in Beijing. This documentary focuses on the China production: a huge and elaborate set, hundreds of extras, three sets of principles, props and costumes matching the Ming Dynasty. Mehta, with his Indian roots and European training, revels in bringing disparate cultures together. Zhang wants the music to come through and anticipates the demands (and habits) of the Chinese audience. Rehearsals; production work; rain; talks with singers, crew, and local officials -- can it all come together? When the chorus is in full volume, no one sleeps.