在这部核之安魂曲纪录片/历史片中,核武器作为军事武器,其威力是不可想象的。从1945年8月,美国在日本投下两颗原子弹,“小男孩”和“胖子”后,世界真正了解到了核武器所能带来的杀伤力。在那之后,出于对本国安全的考虑,一些国家也开始研制核武器。然而,为了达到国际的和平及平衡,许多国家通过不懈努力,达成了不扩散核武器的条约。多年来,核武器在不断改变着这个世界,但是我们仍然面临着核战争的威胁。该纪录片从多国角度,从历史角度,为我们阐述了消除核武器的原因及其重要性,希望以此可以加深人们对于这一问题的认识。© 优酷
A film by by Robert E. Frye. Produced by Whistling Communications. Distributed by American Public Television.
For over seven decades the nuclear bomb has been a presence in our lives. The Nuclear Requiem is a meditation, based on a journey taken during the 70th anniversary, with voices representing different views on the continuing struggle of dealing with the most lethal weapon ever created, the nuclear weapon.