在这部混音带演化史纪录片/音乐片中,在全世界嘻哈音乐的兴起过程中,混音带无疑起到了至关重要的作用。在广播、互联网和社交媒体出现之前便有了混音带。DJ是品味的缔造者、潮流的引领者以及音乐创作的先驱,他们打造了这个星球上最热门的音乐流派。对于嘻哈这种诞生不到50年的艺术形式来说,它的崛起如火箭般急速攀升。混音带的重要性远超磁带本身:混音带是一种货币, 象征着你消息灵通,能够准确洞察街头最新动向;混音带是通往地下世界的一把钥匙,无数的地下艺人等待你去发掘。嘻哈文化的力量不容阻挡,嘻哈艺术家的才华不容忽视。于是,无数从业者鼎力增砖添瓦,将亚文化带入主流,成就了今天的嘻哈音乐。
Mixtapes have an out-sized role in the emergence of hip hop around the world. Before radio play, the internet, and social media, there were mixtapes. No matter where you lived, you could pop a cassette into a tape deck, and be transported to a party halfway around the world. DJs were taste makers, trendsetters and creators of the sound that became the biggest musical genre on the planet. A meteoric rise for an art form not yet 50 years old. The importance of mixtapes goes well beyond the tapes themselves. Mixtapes were a form of currency. A signifier that you were In-The-Know and had your ear to the streets. A skeleton key to the underground. The culture was too strong to be stopped, and the artists were too talented to be ignored - so they turned the sub-culture into the mainstream, and made hip hop what it is today.