在这部物语系列 第二季动画/奇幻片中,蜂之妖怪远去,不死鸟的妖怪则是逃过一劫的暑假结束了——
《物语系列 2nd season》是改编自西尾维新原作的轻小说《物语系列》的电视动画,内容包括《物语系列》中的《猫物语(白)》、《倾物语》、《囮物语》、《鬼物语》和《恋物语》等五部作品。
Walking to school one day Tsubasa Hanekawa encounters a huge white tiger apparition at a crossroads that talks to her. The next day her house burns down. Homeless, and not wanting to stay with her family, she lies and tells them she has a place to stay, but instead sleeps in the old cram school. She's awakened by an angry and upset Hitagi Senjogahara who ridicules her for worrying her and drags her to her place to stay instead. The two of them soon discover that Araragi has gone missing and has urged them in a text message not to look for him.
一切皆流,无物常驻。恋物語OP「木枯らしセンティメント」。喜爱动漫因人而异,我只是喜欢做梦罢了。【转】关于恋物语的结局分析,一切都是骗局。由傾物語所想 時間旅行 和 失憶人格 及沒有其他。不写看片记录的话会忘记。「故事」你真的在听吗。。不会完结的故事物语系列-致我们的青春。杂谈。猫物语·白。