在这部凡尔赛玫瑰剧情/爱情/动画片中,奥斯卡(田岛令子 配音)是名门之后,由于家中没有男丁,于是从小就被当做男孩养大。十四岁那年,奥地利和法国进行政治联姻,奥地利公主玛丽(上田美由纪 配音)即将嫁给法国王子路易(安原义人 配音),父亲将奥斯卡送入了宫殿侍卫队,赋予了她保护玛丽的重任,只为了家族能够在腥风血雨的宫廷斗争之中拥有自己的一席之地。
From the time of her birth, Oscar François de Jarjayes was raised as a man by her father, a French general. She went on to become the commander of the guard for the French Royal Family, and makes a name for herself as a beautiful and honorable figure among the noble classes of Versailles. But this is the era of the French Revolution, when the French citizens were living in utter poverty while the French royal family and nobles were surrounded by extravagant luxury. The irony and cruelty of such conditions was unbearable, and while Oscar has a duty towards the ruling class, her sense of compassion and kindness moves her to support the poor. This series examines the historical occurrence of the French Revolution, where the peasants of France led a revolution against the nobles, as seen through the eyes of Oscar.
爱在历史中升华。枪炮玫瑰。红玫瑰,白玫瑰。漂洋过海来看你。《凡尔赛玫瑰》:两个国语版本的比较。凡尔赛玫瑰|照亮了少女爱情漫画史。《凡尔赛的玫瑰》。我理解的奥斯卡~。凡爾賽的玫瑰 永恒之美。败庭孤蔷。