The story begins with the queen bee hive being attacked and destroyed by an army of wasps, which kill almost all the bees inside and devour their eggs. The queen bee is forced to flee, but an egg is saved from the terrible slaughter, ending up hidden under a leaf. This egg is then found by a female bumblebee, the queen's handmaid, and taken by her as if it were one of her own.
我和我爸一起看,我看一集,哭一集,看一集,哭一集……。有些残酷的动画。。。。当时很喜欢的一个动画片。童年回忆《小蜜蜂寻亲记》。在线观看。忘不掉的小蜜蜂,急燥的我!。飞到西又飞到东。小时候看这个还老哭。第一次知道了什么叫做“忍耐”。逐花而行 牧蜂采蜜 我们去赶花啦。