在这部南家三姐妹 我回来了剧情/喜剧/动画片中,春假结束,料峭时节,南家三姐妹妙趣横生的小故事继续上演。散发圣母光芒的大姐春香(佐藤利奈 配音)继续照顾一家人的起居,当然时不时会懒病爆发;最大笑果夏奈(井上麻里奈 配音)在犯傻卖萌的路上高歌猛进,与藤冈(柿原徹也 配音)、理子(高梁碧 配音)以及姐妹闹出不少的笑话;看似不在乎周围一切实则冷静观察众人的千秋(茅原实里 配音),其吐槽功夫日渐纯熟,或者一言不发,或者一语惊人。从清爽的春天到炎热的夏天,朝气蓬勃,青春活力,呆萌的小姐们如约而至……
The everyday lives of the Minami sisters continue. Chiaki, the youngest, continues to call people idiots while worshipping her eldest sister. Kana, the middle, still can't figure out that Fujioka's feelings for her are a crush, not a grudge. Haruka, the eldest, still unknowingly avoids Hosaka's advances to invite her to the volleyball team, and after a long day of excitement, the sisters enjoy sitting at the table at their home.