在这部猪剧情/家庭片中,少年Jabya一家都是"贱民",虽然等级制度已经被废除了,但是60年来他们一家仍然被歧视着。这让Jabya很困扰,因为这让他没有信心和Shalu说话--一个他爱着的贵族女孩。叛乱似乎是唯一的出路,但是也有一些人并不支持他们这种想提高地位的行为。影片获得孟买电影节评委会大奖、2013印度最佳电影国际影评人协会奖。Fandry是短片电影导演兼诗人的Nagraj Manjule满含激情的处女作。作为印度电影界一个大胆创新的新声音,Manjule为我们展现了这个美丽又混乱的国家最热情的一面--在这里一个人可以为了一头猪而活。
Love, the most beautiful emotion in all living creatures that God has made knows no bar, caste or boundaries, is the central theme of Fandry. A young lad (Jabya) falls in love with his classmate. Incidentally, he belongs to a lower caste, a family below the poverty line which does all sorts of jobs in the village to survive like catching Pigs and the girl belongs to a higher caste. His parents are working hard to arrange money for their daughter's wedding while Jabya is collecting money for new clothes to impress the girl. Fandry is a story of his aspirations, quest, sorrows, anguish and frustrations. Fandry also touches upon the age old monster of Caste System which is still lurking large upon the society.