在这部莫斯科陷落科幻/灾难片中,难得一见的流星雨即将在俄罗斯上空出现,青年男女们兴奋非常,纷纷走上街头见证着历史性的一刻。美丽女孩尤利娅(伊琳娜·斯达森保姆 Irina Starshenbaum 饰)不顾身为军官的父亲的反对,执意和特姆(亚历山大·佩特罗夫 Alexander Petrov 饰)交往。在流星雨来的这天,他们躲在一隅偷欢,却不知莫大的危机正在袭来。一艘外星飞船遭到意外,结果又被俄罗斯空军击中。它在迫降的过程中给莫斯科造成毁灭性的打击,而尤利娅的闺蜜也在灾难中丧生。在此之后,尤利娅和朋友们闯入禁区,遭遇了外星人。阴差阳错,她决定救治受重伤的外星飞行员汉克(林奈·穆罕默托夫 Rinal Mukhametov 饰),而特姆等憎恶外星人带来的灾难,对汉克恨之入骨。
An alien spaceship, following an accident in space, enters the earth atmosphere and being damaged by Russian fighter jets, crash lands in a high-rise apartment blocks area of Moscow taking a few hundred human lives in the crash. A school girl, whose father - a colonel in the military leading the military quarantine operation around the crash site, loses her best friend in the crash and is committed to kill any aliens she can find. She ends up saving the life of one of the aliens, who belongs to a much more advanced immortal humanoid race, and eventually becomes attracted to him, while her brokenhearted and violent boyfriend goes after both of them with his gang and alien-hating street mob causing confrontation and violence near the ship. The girl and the alien end up saving the humanity from a possible disaster caused by the ship and giving hope that human race might just have a future in the bigger universe.