在这部地下吻剧情/同性片中,内森(贝仁格·安索 Bérenger Anceaux 饰)在学校里是一名非常不起眼的普通青年,然而这个样貌平平的男孩最近却成为了校园风云人物,每一个人经过他身旁的时候都会对着他的背影议论纷纷,因为他和一个男孩在黑暗中接吻的照片被曝光在了学校里。
内森坚决不愿意暴露照片中另外一个男孩的身份,而他的性取向很快就成为了他被同学们霸凌的理由。布鲁诺(布鲁诺·帕特祖鲁 Bruno Putzulu 饰)是内森的父亲,同时也是一名刚正不阿的警察,儿子所经历的种种令他错愕,但从最初的震惊走出来后,布鲁诺开始试图分析整个事件的来龙去脉。期间,内森虽然遭到了同学的排挤,却意外的获得了老师的支持。
Nathan, 16, lives alone with his father Stephane. A newcomer in high school, he is invited to a party and falls in love with Louis, a boy in his class. They find themselves out of sight and kiss each other, but someone takes a picture of them. Soon, the photo is published on Facebook and a storm overtakes their lives as they face bullying and rejection.