在这部一个勺子剧情/喜剧片中,农民拉条子(陈建斌 饰)在镇上遇到一个讨饭的傻子(金世佳 饰),傻子跟着他回了家。拉条子贴了寻人启示,不久有人认领了傻子。紧接着又有自称傻子的家人陆续出现,说拉条子把傻子卖了。麻烦接踵而至,拉条子自知上当受骗却有口难言,他想不明白,好事怎么就成了坏事?他开始以一位农民最淳朴的办法想自证清白。而为了寻找傻子,他成了另一个到处缠着别人的傻子……
Latiaozi was a Farmer who made a living with shepherding with his wife Jinzhizi. One day, their only son had been condemned for the crime. The couple scrabbled up 50000 Yuan to ask Li Datou, the able person of the town, for help, begging if Li Datou could find some big shot to reduce the penalty of their son. But they had been cheated. Latiaozi went to Li Datou's home to argue for his money but he failed. On his way home, he met a fool by accident. He had no choice but to pick him home. After a night spent in sheepfold, the fool was sent back to the town...
只有傻子抬头看天。很多人努力变得聪明 于是这个时代再也没有傻子。这世上的待宰羔羊。好作品不该孤单,强力推荐《一个勺子》是今年必看电影。世界上只有两种人,骗子和傻子。素朴的电影素朴的心。厨房离不开勺子,生活少不了傻子。。善良的勺子(傻子)。好端端的日子就这么被糟蹋了,像被猪啃过的菜地。。此勺子非彼勺子。