在这部小城之春剧情/爱情片中,1948年前后,中国某个平常的遍处皆是断垣颓壁的南方小城里,年轻少妇周玉纹(韦伟 饰)与生病的丈夫戴礼言(石羽 饰)过着索然寡味的日子。战争不仅令礼言失去了家产,也使他丧失了生活的信念。而玉纹每日做的,是在早晨出门买菜、给礼言抓药,在城头踱步好大一会后伤神地复回到家中,将药丢于他时与他对话不过三两句,剩下大半时日,是坐在妹妹戴秀(张鸿眉 饰)房间绣花独自喟叹——除了早晨出门徘徊的城墙头,这是她认为的小城唯剩的有生气之地。
章志忱(李纬 饰)的到来打破了死气沉沉的一切。他是礼言昔日好友,却也是玉纹的旧时情人。与礼言死气的阴郁形成对比的是,志忱年轻健康有朝气,这令本是小城异类的戴秀对他暗生情愫,但志忱心中一直没忘玉纹,而他无疑也是玉纹内心的渴望和呼唤。发乎情止于礼,志忱和玉纹之间欲迎还拒、欲拒还迎的心理角逐游戏连番上演时,礼言和戴秀窥见了个中端倪。
Following WWII and with China brought to it's knees by the actions of the Japanese, prior to the rise of the Communists, led by Chairman Mao. This is the time during which Fei Mu's film takes place. Wei Wei plays a woman who lives a lonely life, shackled by her care for her gentle, but ill husband (Shi Yu)- that is until her first love reappears into her life. This is Fei's penultimate film as director, but is still enjoyed by many today as one of his best works. It has now been a firm favorite of many since it was restored in the 80's by the China Film Archive and some rate it as one of the greatest Chinese movies in history.
70年后,依然没有华语电影能够超越《小城之春》。虚无的相聚,错位的疏离。风吹墙荒芜,草动心痒痒——简述《小城之春》中七次城墙表情。小城之春:属于东方的含蓄美。越界之行——重读《小城之春》。《小城之春》全解析。小城之中国传统文化。重看,一些梳理。。马里昂巴德的春天。发乎情 止于礼-。--。---。。
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
1948《小城之春》1时32分修复版 | SRT | 简体中文字 | |
帧率25.000FPS 匹配时长01:33:34 | srt | 简体 , 繁 |