在这部黑蝴蝶剧情/爱情片中,《黑蝴蝶》故事发生在阳光灿烂的80年代,80年代中期从监狱出来的女人齐琳(刘敏涛 饰)提前刑满释放回到家里发现已经物是人非、鹊巢鸠占。捍卫感情还是成人之美?在一系列艰难的选择之后,齐琳重新陷入了艰辛 忙乱的生活。同时跟迷惘懵懂青年周鲲鹏(李家成 饰)之间发生了奇妙的化学反应,他们从没有交集到互相影响,在一起找到人生意义的过程中,产生了一种“爱”。但却因为年龄的差异让这份“爱”变得有些难以启齿,就在深陷其中不知所措的时候,一段狱中的孽因横空飞来,将深爱的两人拆到相隔阴阳飙泪对话。
The story was set in the 1980s. Linqi was released from prison earlier due to good behavior. When she went back home, she realized her old lover had betrayed her. Should her give up or fight for her relationship? After a series of difficult choices, she started her new life. She met a young man who was much younger than her, together they rediscovered the meaning of life. However, they were hesitating to be open about their relationship due to the significant age gap. Meanwhile, accident strike and parted the lovers between life and death.