在这部买地方报的女人:作家杉本隆治的推理剧情/悬疑/犯罪片中,作家杉本隆治(田村正和 饰)投入极大心血创作的小说《遥远的记忆》得到《金泽每日新闻》文化部长服部(佐野史郎 饰)的盛赞,因此竭力希望作家能延长连载。而为了全身心地创作该作品,杉本专门从东京搬到了金泽。在此期间,居住在东京名叫潮田芳子(广末凉子 饰)致信报社,称因为渴望拜读《遥远的记忆》所以想订阅《金泽每日新闻》。为了证明该读者的存在,杉本的助理(水川麻美 饰)还专门登门拜访,而对方的举止让她颇有些疑惑。未过多久,芳子以小说无聊为由退订报纸。连载正进入高潮,这件事令杉本倍感蹊跷。也许芳子关注的不是小说,而是在那期间发生在金泽的某起事件……
When the wife of an assistant to a minister is set up and subsequently blackmailed she has to go to extreme lengths to satisfy her blackmailers, while also safeguarding her husband's position. In the meantime, and on the other side of the country, a novelist's work is serialized in a local newspaper with its author and his assistant taking a second look at an open and shut case.