在这部爱的语言剧情/短片/同性片中,查理(Kim Ho 饰)感到很苦闷,好朋友山姆最近和他疏远了,他做什么都提不起劲。现在法语考试考到一半他竟然开起小差来——都因为这该死的题目:“用法语给你最好的朋友写一封信”。他有很多话要说,但又害怕可能面对的结果。他热切的注视着前排山姆的背影,终于提起笔:“致我亲爱的塞缪尔,我,爱你......”
本片由澳大利亚17岁的华裔少年Kim Ho创作剧本并主演,是澳洲影剧院的“新墨水”创作单元参展作品。
"The aim was to pick up chicks by sounding like a Frenchman. Hasn't really worked out yet." Charlie's a mess. His best friend's not talking to him, he can't concentrate on his work...and now the clock's ticking on his french exam. But the courage to speak can come from the most unlikely places.