在这部天空的黄金马车剧情片中,“我们乐队的名字叫黄金马车,我们一定会火的!”这是一部前辈带领后辈组建乐队的故事。后辈们带着年轻人固有的希望和梦想,希望在前辈的带领下火一把,但现实并不尽如人意…… 一开始,占领蚕室地区是他们的梦想,那时候他们有一辆行动用的车,因为是橙黄色的老式车,他们管这辆车叫做“黄金马车”。没有钱的他们用家里的钱偷偷出唱片,出现场,青春就是这样……几十年后,乐队中的老二想和老队友们重聚,走上了访友之路,现在的老友们都过着怎样的生活呢?
Pong Ddol dreams of forming a band - he names it Golden Chariot after the old cart full of instruments he pulls around the neighborhood in hopes of recruiting band members. Money is another problem and there's little chance they'll find any. So Pong Ddol offers Chul-wook the job of band manager if he helps with financing.