在这部天才毛利少年剧情/纪录片/传记片中,Ngaa Rauuira Pumanawawhiti是一个天才少年,他16岁就考入耶鲁大学,还是一个出色的舞者和故事讲述着。他的未来看上去一片光明,人们似乎将他看作未来的首相。但是本片中他是一个纯真、朴实的小孩,像其他少年一样,他最大的愿望不过是能与同龄人打成一片。
What if you could turn back the clock and watch the minds forming of those who would create political zeitgeist shifts in the future - the US's first black President Barack Obama, South America's first indigenous President Evo Morales, or Denmark's first female Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt. MAORI BOY GENIUS does just that. Future leader Ngaa Rauuira is railing against his people's statistics of uneducated youth, 40% of prisoners, alarming suicide rates and a dying language. His tribe believes he will save them. At 16 he studies politics at Yale, his family of 8 facing his US$35,000 education bill. Within a year he is leading a major protest and being asked to stand for Parliament. ONCE WERE WARRIORS depicted urban Maori 16 years ago. This is the surprising update.