在这部捉奸侦探剧情/喜剧/惊悚片中,停职中的警探善宇对捉奸很有一套,索性开展副业,专门提供捉奸服务。副职三日后,他接手了一个新案件,谁知等着他的竟是不伦现场的两具尸体,而唯一的目击者是其中一名死者的妻子——秀珍。[不只是新影] 善宇瞬间陷入绝境,莫名其妙成了杀人嫌疑犯。为了查清真相、洗脱罪名、揪出真凶,善宇挣扎万分,事态却进一步恶化。另一方面,善宇也和美艳魅惑的秀珍发展出一段危险暧昧的关系,令自己在迷宫中越走越深……
A detective Seon-woo, who moonlights as a private investigator, has a beautiful new client Soo-Jin. The woman asks the detective to take photos of her husband in the midst of having an affair with another woman. When the detective goes to take pictures he discovers that the woman's husband is already dead. Now the detective becomes a suspect. The detective is chased by another detective Gil-ro. He must now set out for the real killer.