在这部修女罪行剧情片中,富家女孩大泷留美子(野平ゆき 饰)偷窃父亲献给政客的黑金,打算用这笔钱和她的英语家庭教师私奔。正当两人恩爱之时,父亲出现,双方扭打起来。慌乱间留美子刺伤父亲的助手。为了不让心爱的女儿入狱,父亲将她送入了圣玛丽安娜女子修道院。 这里的修女们对留美子严厉非常,她们命令这个叛逆的女孩反省自身的过错。然而这里实际上又是一个黑暗混乱的所在:院长(珠瑠美 饰)与神父私通,并让两个衷心的随从参与其中;管理者弗里达修女(冈本丽 饰)和海伦娜修女(桂たまき 饰)保持着同性私情,海伦娜又对留美子心存好感。 倍受折磨的留美子被关进了惩戒室,随着两个越狱逃犯的到来,这一切发生了改变……©豆瓣
Rumiko is a misbehaving girl who got caught stealing the cash her father had at home for bribes. Father would not accuse her of that, but when he caught her having sex with her English teacher, he was justified in sending her to a monastery, where the nuns try to force her to become a good girl. However, after a few days in forced piety, Rumiko (now Sister Lucia) discovered that her sins were nothing in comparison with those of other Sisters, and Mother Superior's.