An old man who barely survived from the Cultural Revolution is told that his friend is currently suffering from hemiplegia. Having survived the Cultural Revolution together, the old man set off on a journey to see his friend. By tricycle, he takes his seven-year-old grandson on the back seat. With the form of a Road Movie, he meets a wide range of people on the road while sharing warm words as he travels. This film is based on the memory of the director's grandfather. Whenever the little grandson is terrified by something strange while slowly following the country road in China, the grandfather teaches the kid the benefits of familiarity. The wisdom he shares gives us the strength of mind to melt emotional barriers.
《过昭关》:过了昭关过潼关,过了还有山海关嘉峪关。导筒× 导演 霍猛:38天40万成本,村民影帝的土三轮即将发车。唉,又一部国产好片悄悄「死」去。《过昭关》:关关难过关关过。告诉他们,我乘三轮车往三门峡去了。公路片、固定机位和出戏:《过昭关》的多重解读。《过昭关》:中国电影的美丽意外。“我要是成了鬼,你怕不怕?”。一部原生态的河南电影。过去和未来。