在这部皆月剧情片中,谢取(奥田瑛二 饰)是一名桥梁建筑师,他的性格就和他的这份职业一样,谨小慎微又井井有条。在40岁的那一年,谢取的妻子沙夜子带走了家中所有的现金和存折,留下一封告别信就此下落不明,焦急的谢取找到了沙夜子的弟弟花田明(北村一辉 饰),向他询问妻子的去处。
Akira's wife walks out on him, leaving him to confide in his gangster brother-in-law. Using only a cryptic note as a clue the two brothers go on a road trip to find his wife. After a series of violent encounters with strangers, Akira meets a prostitute. The pair start a relationship. After Akira finds his wife, he questions whether he still wants to be with her.