在这部新十字街头剧情片中,杨少(刘若英 饰)是一个在美奋斗多年、事业成功的设计师,纽约律师史蒂夫(爱伦·希克 饰)一直被她的才艺所倾倒。父亲离世,杨少回沪奔丧,巧遇老赵的儿子赵铭(赵劲 饰),对人生地不熟的杨少赵铭给予了诸多帮助,杨少十分感激。赵铭与好友黄毛(蔡满寿 饰)准备开一间新型娱乐场,杨少母亲的祖宅位置很合适,但杨少想把房子卖掉重返美国,赵铭一时难以张口。杨父生前好友的女儿玲玲(黄奕 饰)是赵铭的女友,她托杨少帮她办理出国手续,而此时史蒂夫专程从大洋彼岸飞来求婚,杨少的心中已被赵铭占据,她处在了一个新的“十字街头”......
Just as the sophistication of Shanghai in the 1930's has been revived as a symbol for the new China, so too does "X-Roads" take its inspiration from the past... "X-Roads" is a modern romance, but uses original footage from Chinese classics as flashbacks to reveal a secret that affects the fate of two young lovers.